CONfidance 2015 CTF Teaser – Power level Writeup (Crypto 50)

For this task we were given this C File and asked to decrypt this


in the C file we can see the following code

unsigned int a,b,c,d,v;

unsigned int f(unsigned int x)
	return a*x*x*x + b*x*x + c*x + d;

int main(int ac, unsigned char**av)
	unsigned char *plaintext;
	int i, len;
	plaintext = av[1];
	a = (unsigned int)plaintext[0];
	b = (unsigned int)plaintext[1];
	c = (unsigned int)plaintext[2];
	d = (unsigned int)plaintext[3];
	len = strlen(plaintext);
		v = f(plaintext[i]);
		v = e[v%1000](plaintext[i]) ^ (v%251);
		printf("%u ",v);
	return 0;

the program takes the plaintext as argument and then applies a polynomial function f() to every letter combined with some sort of elementary arithmetic operation .
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